Ray Borrow


Consultant Clinical Scientist; Head of UKHSA Meningococcal Reference Unit; Head of UKHSA Vaccine Evaluation Unit

James L. Vacek


Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, The University of Kansas School of Medicine and Health Care System

Giustino Varrassi


President, Paolo Procacci Foundation

Myron Christodoulides


Professor of Bacteriology, University of Southampton

Slobodan Janković


Professor, University of Kregujevac, Faculty of Medical Sciences

Vipin Vashishtha


Director & Consultant Pediatrician, Mangla Hospital & Research Center

Yoshiya Tanaka


Professor and Chairman, The First Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health

Raman Rao


Chief Executive Officer, Hilleman Laboratories Singapore

Mieke Van Hemelrijck


Professor of Cancer Epidemiology, King’s College London

John D. Loeser


Professor, Emeritus, Neurological Surgery and Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, University of Washington

Jerome Kim


Director General, International Vaccine Institute

Peter Penson


Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Liverpool John Moores University